Wisconsin Avenue Baptist Church of Washington DC

We’re a church of joyful worship, relevant and practical teaching, continuing prayer, and compassionate care for those in need.

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Seeing with God's Eyes

Tuesday Jul 23, 2019

Tuesday Jul 23, 2019

In this message, Rev. Carmella Jones, an American Baptist missionary to Hungary, who delivers a message about her dependence on God, like the beggar Bartimaeus. A blind man who was living on the margins of society, yet Jesus shows up and calls to him through the crowd. Indicating how we should also wait for God as beggars, and expect God to show up and call us through other people. And in response, we are to throw off our "cloaks" and become students who willingly learn from Jesus as we continue to wait on God while sitting in the margins with those in needs of God's love and care. 

Tuesday Jul 16, 2019

Pastor Jim continues his reflections on the recent mission trip to the Philippines. In this message, he considers the manner in which the Word of God was heard and received by the Filipino people at their worship services. Offering insights into Jesus' parable of the sower and the hearts of the people who receive the seed of faith when it is given to them.    

The Vibrant Life in Community

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019

Pastor Jim shares about his recent mission trip to the Philippines. He explains how leaving western American culture and entering into a foreign culture showed him something new about himself and about God. This experience provided him new lenses through which to view himself and others.
In this message, based on Romans 12, Pastor Jim focuses on one area in particular: community. How the vibrant life with God involves participating as members of God's family, the fellowship of believers. Living as the "we" instead of just as "me." Something that requires challenging and breaking the stronghold of American individualism that westerners hold onto so tightly and defend so strongly.

The Compassion of the Shepherd

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019

Pastor Lynn reminds us that as sheep in Jesus' pasture we are not only to enjoy the Good Shepherd's bounty, but we are also to go out into the fields and into our neighborhoods to help the lost sheep come home. Indeed, Jesus has other sheep that are not in his fold and they do not have a shepherd to call their own. Jesus loves them and wants to give them the fullness of life found with him. So, as Pastor Lynn exhorts, ask the Lord to show you who the sheep are in your neighborhood that do not have a good shepherd. 

Pentecost Continues (Phase 5?)

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019

Pastor Lynn asks the question: Have you ever missed something because you weren't ready, you weren't prepared? In this sermon, he preaches about the "phases of experience" that took place in the Book of Acts at the time of Pentecost. 
Phase 1 - Being ready for the Holy Spirit
Phase 2 - The revolutionary intervention of God
Phase 3 - The personal responses of belief in Jesus, in the forgiveness of sins and in turning to God in repentance
Phase 4 - The people of God formed into a community and empowered together to serve one another 
Phase 5? In 2019, what is happening in your life right now? Which "phase of experience" is God, the Holy Spirit, speaking to you about today?

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

Tuesday Jun 04, 2019

Tuesday Jun 04, 2019

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus said he would not leave his disciples as orphans, but would ask God the Father to send them his Holy Spirit. A promise that is fulfilled on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit is poured out on all people. We too can experience the presence and empowerment of the Holy Spirit in our lives today. A supernatural life known for its abundant love as we also live in obedience to Jesus' commands. Pastor Lynn tells us how. 

Wednesday May 15, 2019

In Part 2 of his sermon, "Can the Future Change the Past?," Pastor Lynn explains that we do not have to wait until life is over on earth to experience resurrection. In the risen Christ, we have a living hope that is not based on circumstances or human strength. Instead, our hope is based on the Lord Jesus Christ whom God the Father raised to life from the dead. So, rather than living from past, let's live as part of a new creation by living into the future that is not determined by our past. 

Tuesday May 07, 2019

This week, Pastor Lynn asks the unusual question, can the future change the past? Stated another way, how might we view our lives and our world differently considering the future has become a present reality through the new creation. Listen to this sermon, which is filled with vivid imagery, to hear how through the power of Jesus' resurrection we might be the new creation where the old is gone and the new has come into our present life and world.  

The Bread of Life

Tuesday Apr 30, 2019

Tuesday Apr 30, 2019

Jesus proclaims, "I am the bread of life." A statement of truth that we can stake our lives on. In fact, Min. Leslie Harris preaches how Jesus is able to fulfill every appetite and satisfy every longing and need that we have in our lives. Whatever substitutes we may rely on will never be able to give us what we truly crave. This can only be found in the Bread of Life.

Is the Resurrection Real?

Monday Apr 22, 2019

Monday Apr 22, 2019

On Resurrection Sunday, Pastor Lynn asks and answers the question, "Is the Resurrection Real?" Yes, it is real. He goes on to preach that we share in Jesus' victory over sin and death and we can experience the risen Christ today. Resurrection life that has the power to transform our very lives here on earth now. With the future expectation that our resurrected lives will also be fully consummated when we enter God's glory sometime in the future. 


About Us

We are a community of faith that embraces and reflects the rich diversity of culture, language, race, ethnicity, and nationality which characterize our city and our world. We believe these differences should not divide, but rather, enrich our lives when we are united in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We hold to the historic Christian faith which remains not only viable but vibrant in the twenty-first century! We believe the love, purpose, and salvation of God are fully revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and we believe the Holy Spirit continues to transform lives today by empowering us to love and serve God and our neighbors throughout our journey in life.

We are a community of faith, hope and love that values each individual and responds with compassion to the needs of the world. We are a place where people are encouraged to grow and empowered to serve – in both practical ways that make a meaningful difference in the lives of others and in our larger community.


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