Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
In this devotional message, Pastor Lynn directs our attention to Ezekiel 37, John 20:21-22 and Acts 2:1-8 and asks, "Do you believe God can awaken a vast army from the sleep of death and darkness? That empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can come to life and stand on our feet as an army of hope in a world of despair? An army that could slay even the monster of racism that for four centuries has stalked our land?" Listen to the preaching of the Word as it is applied to our lives and our world today.
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
On this Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2020, Pastor Jim preached on Acts 2:1-21 and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as Jesus promised. An act of God which signified that Jesus was "exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear" (Acts 2:33). A promise which is as important today as it was for those first group of disciples. This short devotional message is followed by a time of prayer for the nations represented in our church, focusing first of Kenya and African nations (Deacon Edwin), then on Brazil and South American nations (Sister Iza) and concluding with nations of our mission partners in India and Hungary and finally for the USA (Minister Leslie). Please join with us in prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit as you listen and pray.
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
During the May 24, 2020 Sunday worship service, WABC recognized four college graduates for their academic achievements by asking them to share a Scripture passage that is meaningful to them at this time in their lives. One of the four graduates also shared a personal reflection followed by Pastor Lynn giving a devotional message on Isaiah 40:25-31, which was delivered as a word of encouragement and challenge to both the grads and the congregation. Interspersed throughout are verses sung by our worship team as an affirmation and blessing over each graduate. As you listen, consider your own faith journey as you walk with, talk with and rely upon the Lord in all that you do.
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
In this Mother's Day message, Min. Leslie Harris says Proverbs 31:29-31 is a passage which describes a woman who has purpose and is not perfect. Reminding us that a woman of faith is one who is willing to take action, to stand up, to step out and to speak out in desperation because she needs things to change. Women such as Tamar, Rahab and Ruth, ancestors of Jesus, exemplify a woman such as this. Which is also the case for many of the women in Jesus' life, such as his mother Mary, his disciple Mary Magdalene and his friend Mary of Bethany. As Min. Harris explains, each of these women demonstrate how it is possible to live with purpose in her life while at the same time not being perfect.
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
What is central to the resurrection of Jesus? This is the question posed by Pastor Jim in this short devotional message which focuses on 1 John 4:9-19, and particularly verse 16. A passage that addresses this relevant question for us today by indicating love is central. In fact, love is foundational to having an unshakable faith and hope in God for our lives today. John helps us to understand and put into practice what it means to live the resurrection today. How the death and resurrection of Jesus makes God's love visible, and it has the power to completely change us and the world around us.
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
After being socially distant from one another for many weeks, Pastor Lynn tells us, "Jesus wants us to be going back into the world sharing what he has put into our lives." In this regard, there are two questions for you to ask yourself: (1) What is God doing in my life right now during this quarantine? (2) When we get past this, how does God want us to be living in the world? Listen to how Scripture (John 20:19-23, Acts 1:1-9) speaks to these two important questions for living our lives today and as we look ahead to the future with hope and eager anticipation.
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
In this devotional message, Pastor Jim preaches on Romans 8:18-30 and how we can live with a sense of resurrection wonder. These words were written by Paul and describe the lived reality of Jesus' resurrection in the world then as they apply to our contemporary world today. Jesus' resurrection was not merely a historical event in 33 AD, but it was an event that changed the course of history forever. Jesus' death and resurrection shook the earth and reset the foundation of creation itself. Listen to how it can produce both resurrection wonder and patient hope within each of us.
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
On Easter Sunday, Pastor Lynn proclaimed the good news of resurrection. Reminding us of Jesus' words when he said there is something even more precious than family and friends. It is knowing Christ and having His presence and power and love always with us. When surrounded by so much death and destruction because of COVID-19 we need this message of hope and resurrection more than ever. Like the disciples in the resurrection story, it is when we encounter the risen Lord Jesus that we open our lives to him. Has this happened in your own life?
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
For this Palm Sunday's devotional message given on Zoom, Pastor Lynn preaches on Matthew 21:9-16 and closes with Luke 22:39-46 as he reflects on Jesus' journey to the cross. A journey that began long before Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem with the crowds crying out "Hosanna!" in anticipation of being saved from their circumstances. As Pastor Lynn explains, "When the darkness is greatest the light of God shines the brightest. We have a hope that does not ignore reality but transcends the present." As you journey with Jesus during Holy Week, listen to this short message and consider Palm Sunday in the light of God's powerful love and the everlasting hope found in Jesus.
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
For this devotional message, Pastor Lynn first reads Psalm 46 and then shares a personal testimony about this well-known psalm. Then, Pastor Jim reflects on this psalm in regard to how being still is to trust God. It is to let go of our misconceptions of being in control. It is to relax our grip on trying to make something happen in our favor. Instead, being still means trusting God and resting in God. It is taking refuge in God and witnessing God fight on our behalf. It is experiencing God’s “sanctuary presence” and receiving God’s help when we are in trouble.
About Us
We are a community of faith that embraces and reflects the rich diversity of culture, language, race, ethnicity, and nationality which characterize our city and our world. We believe these differences should not divide, but rather, enrich our lives when we are united in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We hold to the historic Christian faith which remains not only viable but vibrant in the twenty-first century! We believe the love, purpose, and salvation of God are fully revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and we believe the Holy Spirit continues to transform lives today by empowering us to love and serve God and our neighbors throughout our journey in life.
We are a community of faith, hope and love that values each individual and responds with compassion to the needs of the world. We are a place where people are encouraged to grow and empowered to serve – in both practical ways that make a meaningful difference in the lives of others and in our larger community.